Asian Cucumber Salad | Easy 10 Minute Cucumber Salad Recipe (2024)

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Rating★★★★★ 4.9 from 44 votes

This easy Asian Cucumber Salad Recipe is made with crunchy cucumber, onion, rice wine vinegar, and a few secret ingredients! An easy Cucumber Salad that takes only 10 minutes to make and is guaranteed to be a hit.

Asian Cucumber Salad | Easy 10 Minute Cucumber Salad Recipe (1)

Easy Cucumber Salad

Something I realized about myself while we were on vacation is I love hearing peoples stories. You know. How they got to where their at? How they started dating? Weird stories. Sad Stories. Outrageously funny stories. Heart wrenching stories. I love them all. Something about hearing those stories makes me feel closer to that person, like I got a little glimpse into who they are.

The thing about stories is not one of them is the same. They are all different. Each one has their own unique twist, happy ending, or to be continued ending. I think the “to be continued ones” are my favorite. When people tell them, there’s an excitement or nervousness to how it could turn out.

Asian Cucumber Salad | Easy 10 Minute Cucumber Salad Recipe (2)

Starting a new life together. Waiting the results of a test. Thinking about a job change. Building a new house.

I am completely drawn to hearing more about who people are and what they have going on in their lives. Even while I was on vacation, I read two books about …. peoples stories! We can learn so much about stories. When people share their story, they can encourage you, challenge you, or affirm you. Or likewise, it gives you a chance to do the same for someone else who just needs to be encourages in the situation that they are in at the moment!

It is unique to you. It’s what makes you who you are! Sure, there may be hard times, who doesn’t have those? Um.. no ONE! But those are the times you need to share your story the most… so others can lift you up. I truly think that we were meant to live in community and part of community is being vulnerable with one another about the joys and struggles of life. Sharing our stories is whengrowth happens, when real life change occurs. Its what gets us out of those deep pits of life so we can walk on the mountaintops!

Let’s be real with one another and take that “this is what I need to appear as” mask off! Deal? Okay! Good!

Asian Cucumber Salad | Easy 10 Minute Cucumber Salad Recipe (3)

No, I’m gonna ask you to make another deal! You need to promise me that you are going to make this Asian Cucumber Salad. Deal?

What is Cucumber Salad?

Cucumber Salad contains thinly sliced cucumbers, onions and tossed in a sweet slightly tangy dressing. The dressing can be creamy or a vinaigrette.


Asian Cucumber Salad | Easy 10 Minute Cucumber Salad Recipe (4)

How Do You Make Cucumber Salad Asian?

  1. Thinly slice cucumbers, onions and red pepper. Add ingredients to a bowl.
  2. To small bowl add rice wine vinegar, sesame oil, sesame seeds, red pepper flakes, honey and salt. Using a whisk, stir to combine.
  3. Pour asian vinaigrette over the vegetables. Gently toss.
  4. Serve immediately or store in refrigerator to let the cucumbers soak up the marinade.

How Long Can You Keep Cucumbers in Vinegar?

Cucumbers can be stored in this vinegar dressing for up to 3 days. If stored longer than 3 days the cucumbers will start to lose their crispness.

Asian Cucumber Salad | Easy 10 Minute Cucumber Salad Recipe (5)

Do you kids like the skin or do they make you peel it off? Growing up I use to make my mom take the skin off. But now that I’m older I like the skin.

Can You Peel the Skin Off a Cucumber?

Yes, you can peel the skin off of a cucumber using a vegetable peeler or a paring knife. Cucumbers contain a lot of nutrients and the skin itself is a good source of fiber so I highly recommend keeping it on, it also adds a nice “crunch” factor.

The flavor in this Asian Cucumber Salad is so fresh, tangy and delicious. I almost couldn’t stop eating it to shoot these pictures! The best part is, it takes 10 minutes to make. Which is basically the “slicing” part of recipe.

How Do You Cut Cucumbers for Salad?

Cucumber Salad is at it’s best when the cucumbers are thinly sliced – about 1/8″. This can be somewhat labor intensive, but if you have a Mandoline, use it, it will make your life much easier. If you use a knife it will take you 5-10 minutes to slice the cucumbers (not bad AT all)!

Ok, back to the flavor of this Asian Cucumber Salad.

Asian Cucumber Salad | Easy 10 Minute Cucumber Salad Recipe (6)

This Asian Cucumber Salad is filled with rice wine vinegar for the main flavor profile. Vinegar is what gives most cucumber salads that tangy bite. Instead of cream, yogurt or sour cream I added a little toasted sesame oil which made this cucumber salad dairy free. The toasted sesame oil and sesame seeds amplified the asian flavor and then I finished it off with red pepper flakes and a touch of honey.

Y’all it’s absolutely amazing! This would be great just as a fun summer side dish or you could use it as a condiment and put it on top of some Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Burgers or Chipotle Barbacoa Tacos. However you decide to use it, just decide to make it! Like.. asap!

Bon Appetit friends!

Asian Cucumber Salad | Easy 10 Minute Cucumber Salad Recipe (7)

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Asian Cucumber Salad | Easy 10 Minute Cucumber Salad Recipe (8)

10 Minute Easy Asian Cucumber Salad Recipe

5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star 4.9 from 44 reviews

  • Author: Krista
  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Total Time: 10 mins
  • Yield: 4 1x
  • Category: Side Dish, Appetizer, Vegetarian, Condiments, Salads
  • Method: Salad, How to Cold Pickle
  • Cuisine: Asian
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10 Minute Asian Cucumber Salad Recipe made with crunchy cucumber, onion, rice wine vinegar, and a few secret ingredients! An easy, light, refreshing Cucumber Salad that’s guaranteed to be a hit.



  • 4 cups of very thinly sliced seedless cucumbers (i used mini cucumbers)
  • 1/4 cup of finely sliced red onion
  • 1/4 cup of fined diced red pepper
  • 1/4 cup of rice wine vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon toasted sesame oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon of red pepper flakes
  • 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt


  1. Add VERY thinly sliced cucumber, sliced red onion, diced red pepper, and sesame seeds to a medium size bowl. Set aside.
  2. In a small bowl mix together rice wine vinegar, honey, toasted sesame oil, red pepper flakes, and sea salt .
  3. Add dressing to the cucumber bowl. Toss to mix everything.
  4. Serve immediately or cover and let sit in the refrigerator for an hour or two to let all the flavors meld.


  • Serving Size: 1 cup
  • Calories: 28
  • Sugar: 2 g
  • Sodium: 75 mg
  • Fat: 2 g
  • Saturated Fat: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 4 g
  • Fiber: 1 g
  • Protein: 1 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 g

Filed Under:

  • Gluten-Free
  • Kid Friendly
  • Quick
  • Recipe Videos
  • Salads
  • Side Dishes
  • Vegetables
  • Vegetarian



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Asian Cucumber Salad | Easy 10 Minute Cucumber Salad Recipe (2024)


How do you keep cucumbers crisp in cucumber salad? ›

Just place the slices or chunks in a colander over a bowl or sink. Sprinkle them with a couple of pinches of salt, toss to coat, and let them rest for about 30 minutes. Pat them dry with a paper towel and proceed with the recipe.

How do you make cucumber salad not watery? ›

When you salt cucumber pieces or slices and let them sit for 30 minutes in a colander, the salt draws out excess moisture which then drains away. This means that the cucumber will release less water into whatever dish you're adding it to, such as tzatziki, tabbouleh, Greek salad, or potato salad.

How do you keep cucumbers from getting soggy in salad? ›

Happily, salting cucumbers requires only 20 minutes or so and virtually no effort: You just put them in a colander or strainer, toss them with a big pinch of salt or two — the exact quantity doesn't matter, since most of the salt will flow away with the liquid — and let osmosis do its thing.

What are the best cucumbers for salads? ›

Long English Cucumber

Long English Cucumbers have a good crunch with thin, delicate skin that's easy to digest. The best part: you don't even need to peel them—just slice 'em up and eat them as the perfect quick snack. This type of Cucumber is great in salads as well as a ton of other things, too!

How to make cucumbers extra crunchy? ›

The secret to making sure the cucumber stays nice and crunchy is to draw out the excess water. Some people like only to use salt, but I find using half salt and half sugar help flavor the cucumber while ensuring that the cucumber stays nice and crunchy! Add 1 Tbsp of sugar and 1 tsp of salt to the cut-up cucumber.

How do you make cucumbers taste better? ›

Salt can bring out the natural flavours of cucumbers and make them taste more vibrant. Sprinkle a pinch of salt over sliced cucumbers and let them sit for a few minutes to draw out excess moisture. Rinse the cucumbers with water to remove the salt and pat them dry. The result will be a crisper and tastier cucumber.

Why do you soak cucumbers in salt water? ›

This salt treatment draws water out of the cucumbers and flavors them, so it's critically important. After layering or mixing in plenty of sea salt, I cover the salted cukes with ice cubes and a tea towel and forget about them for a few hours.

Should I rinse cucumbers after salting them? ›

After the cucumbers have been salted for a period of time, you'll want to rinse off the excess salt. At this point, you may be thinking 'what the hell, I just spent all this time removing the water! ' When we salt vegetables we're actually weakening the cell walls and therefore changing the integrity of the cucumber.

How long do you rinse cucumbers after salting? ›

Sprinkle each half with about 1/4 teaspoon of salt, then place them in a colander. Let drain for about 30 minutes. Rinse lightly, and drain again. Cut into 1/8-to- 1/4-inch-thick slices and place in a bowl.

Why are my cucumbers slimy in my salad? ›

Why Are My Cucumbers Slimy? The light-white or clear coating of slime you may find on your cucumbers is a sign that the rotting process has begun, and it's just matter of time before they totally spoil.

How do you firm up cucumbers? ›

If you want to keep cucumber slices in the fridge but are finding that they become soggy and lose their freshness too often, then try infusing them in lemon and salt. Both lemon and salt work together to keep cucumbers firm for a longer time!

Why is my cucumber salad bitter? ›

A cucumber's bitterness is caused by cucurbitacin, a bitter chemical that protects the plant from predators. Usually, cucurbitacin stays in the stem and leaves, but it can work its way into the fruit. A cucumber's bitterness is caused by cucurbitacin, a bitter chemical that protects the plant from predators.

What is the most flavorful cucumber? ›

Persian cucumbers

Crisper, more flavourful and easier to eat than other cucumber varieties, the pint-sized Persian cucumber is the perfect pick me up for fresh summer salads and soups. Try making salad-e shirazi (Persian cucumber, tomato and onion salad): a popular Iranian recipe, courtesy of NYT Cooking.

What are number 1 cucumbers? ›

1 consists of cucumbers which are fairly well colored, fairly well formed, not overgrown, and which are fresh, firm, and free from decay, sunscald and from damage caused by scars, yellowing, sunburn, dirt or other foreign materials, freezing, mosaic or other disease, insects, cuts, bruises, mechanical or other means.

What is the best tasting cucumber in the world? ›

Striped Armenian is one of the sweetest cucumbers. It has small seeds and thin skin. Though it looks like a cucumber, it is actually a melon—a species of Cucumis.

What makes cucumbers crisp? ›

Soak Cucumbers In Ice Water Beforehand

If you're not canning your cucumbers immediately, leave them in an ice bath or in your refrigerator overnight to maintain firmness. Doing this before you start canning them will give you the crunchiest pickles you've ever had!

How do you keep cucumbers crisp when canning? ›

5 Secrets for Crispy and Crunchy Pickles
  1. Use small, firm cucumbers. This is, hands-down, the most important! ...
  2. Jar them immediately after picking, or as soon as possible. ...
  3. Soak cucumbers in an ice water bath for a couple hours. ...
  4. Cut off the blossom end of cucumber. ...
  5. Add tannins to the jar.
Jul 28, 2020

How to make limp cucumber crisp? ›

Limp cucumbers can be revived by slicing off the end and standing in a bowl of cold water. If you find yourself with leftover sliced cucumber, store in a sealable container with a sheet of kitchen towel to keep them crisp.

What does soaking cucumbers in salt water do? ›

This salt treatment draws water out of the cucumbers and flavors them, so it's critically important. After layering or mixing in plenty of sea salt, I cover the salted cukes with ice cubes and a tea towel and forget about them for a few hours.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.