Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (2024)

Solari heroes are heroes you use in your facilities (Mines, Farms, Mints, etc.). They are also called production heroes as they produce various resources for you.

This guide goes over all production heroes in the game. I will discuss their every skill, explaining which are better to prioritize first and which are not that important. I will also go over evolving and leveling up the heroes – whether it is worth it.

General Heroes Guide – read this guide if you want to know more about the heroes of Last Fortress in general (types, ways to get, upgrading, etc.).

Gear on Solari Heroes – here, you can learn how to use gear on production heroes and why you would want to do that.

Currently, there are 32 Solari heroes in the game, with one not obtainable anymore (Lambert).

Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (1)

Production Hero Types


Similarly to combat heroes, production heroes are of different rarity:

  • Uncommon (green)
  • Rare (blue)
  • Elite (purple)
  • Advanced Elite (purple 5-skill)

You will obtain all uncommon and rare heroes in the game gradually by completing the campaign missions on the map. These are easier to evolve and upgrade skills as you will get them in Production Hero Cards, and medals for them are far more common.

Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (2)

As for others, most of them you can only buy (see how). The only exception is Wolowitz, who you get by completing the Warpath event at the very start of the game.

After you get every uncommon and rare hero, some elite heroes will “visit” your base, so you can test them and see how good they are. I remember there was this bug where each time you traveled to another server, these temporary Solari heroes would come again to your base, but I don’t know if it is still the case.

As for which heroes are worth buying, I would say that these were N.A.T.E. and Pearson.

Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (3)

As for NATE, I have a small article explaining why it is worth buying so you can check it out. And Pearson allows you to have more than one Work Station hero working on one construction, shortening the required construction time by the number of the heroes assigned. For example, if your build takes 30 days to be completed, you will shorten that to only five days by assigning six heroes to it.


Besides rarity, you can classify production heroes by their roles. However, you can assign any hero to any facility, but the hero will be the most effective only in their “native” facility.

Usually, you can easily tell what the hero’s role is by looking at their first skill. It usually says something like, “Effective when working at [FACILITY].” If [FACILITY] is Work Station, for example, it means the first skill takes effect only when that hero is assigned to a Work Station.

You can point out the following roles:

  • Builders – heroes that improve construction speed when assigned to Work Stations.
  • Farmers – heroes that improve the amount of food your farms produce.
  • Miners – heroes that improve the output of your mines.
  • Trainers – heroes that improve the troops’ training speed.
  • Specialists – all other heroes for single facilities.

Note: There can be two heroes for one facility. For example, Emma is a cook, and so is Tikka. If, for instance, you upgrade Emma first, get her first skill maxed out but then get Tikka, you can use Emma in a Mint or a Mine (depending on what you need more at that moment). But remember to adjust the gear correspondingly.

Skill priority

Maxing one skill to level five right away is not always wise since 120 medals is one upgrade from level four to level five, whereas 135 medals is three upgrades from level three to level four. Steps will usually bring you the same amount of improvement, so it is generally better to get the priority skills to level four and only then start maxing them to five.

The different levels of priority that I will use will imply the following:

  • Priority 0: Max out first.
  • Priority 1: Upgrade these skills to level four first. Upgrade to level five after Priority 2 skills are at level three.
  • Priority 2: Upgrade to level three after Priority 1 skills are at level four. Upgrade to level four after Priority 1 skills are at level five. Max out after Priority 3 skills are at level three.
  • Priority 3: Upgrade last.

After each priority, I will list heroes and their skill numbers for conciseness.

But in short, everything that buffs m-coins comes first because it will allow you to progress with your heroes faster. Then comes construction speed buffs because the higher you get in terms of base level, the longer it will take to upgrade stuff. After that comes production buffs and buffs to heroes, as those will matter more later once your production numbers and heroes’ attributes are bigger numerically.

I will assume that you have NATE and will put worker distribution and speed skills at the bottom of priority. But, if you don’t have it, upgrade them when you see that delivering resources within your base takes too long.

Next, let’s look at each rarity separately and determine the priority of skills within that rarity.

Uncommon Production Heroes

There are seven uncommon production heroes in the game:

  1. Bonnie
  2. Brady
  3. Emma
  4. Fernando
  5. Harrison
  6. Lafite Marceau
  7. Mario

Three of them you will have available right away: Fernando, Brady, and Emma.

Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (4)

Skill Priority

  • Priority 0: Emma 3, Harrison 4
  • Priority 1: Brady 2, Bonnie 3, Harrison 2
  • Priority 2: Emma 1, Brady 4, Mario 2, Lafite Marceau 1, Lafite Marceau 4, Bonnie 1, Bonnie 4, Harrison 1
  • Priority 3: Everything else

Here are their skills:

HeroesSkill 1Skill 2Skill 3Skill 4
BonnieEffective when working at Gopher Farm. Gopher Supply/hr +6/12/18/24/30%Effective when working at Gopher Farm Gopher Storage Cap +12/18/24/32/40%Construction speed +1/2/3/4/5%DEF +1/2/3/4/5% during Exploration
BradyEffective when working at Work Station. All Worker Load +2/4/6/8/10%Construction Speed +2/4/6/8/10%ATK +1/2/3/4/5% during ExplorationTraining Speed +1/2/3/4/5%
EmmaEffective when working at Diner. Cooking Speed +2/4/6/8/10%Food restores mood +10/12/14/16/18%Commemorative Coins obtained from Explorations +2/4/6/8/10%Fortress' Resident Capacity +1/2/3/4/5
FernandoEffective when working at Work Station Distribution Load +6/12/20/35/50ATK +1/2/3/4/5% during ExplorationEffective when working at Work Station Distribution Speed +2/4/6/8/10%DEF during Exploration +1/2/3/4/5%
HarrisonMushroom Yield/hr +12/18/24/32/40%Construction Speed +1/2/3/4/5%Water Treatment Plant Storage Cap +20/40/60/80/100%Commemorative Coins obtained from Explorations +2/4/6/8/10%
Lafite MarceauEffective when working at Herb Farm Herb Yield/hr +12/18/24/32/40%EXP gained from work +2/4/6/8/10%Effective when working at Herb Farm Herb Storage Cap +10/20/30/40/50%DEF during Exploration +1/2/3/4/5%
MarioEffective when working at Water Treatment Plant Water Output/hr +6/12/18/24/30%Iron Gathering speed +4/8/12/16/20%Effective when working at Water Treatment Plant Food Consumption +4/8/12/16/20% (self), Water Production +10/20/30/40/50%Gathering Load +2/4/6/8/10%

Rare Production Heroes

There are five uncommon production heroes in the game:

  1. Cara
  2. Diana
  3. Elena
  4. Jack Chang
  5. McKinley
Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (5)

Skill Priority

  • Priority 0: McKinley 1, McKinley 3
  • Priority 1: McKinley 4, Jack Chang 2, Elena 4, Diana 2
  • Priority 2: Jack Chang 3, Cara 1, Elena 1, Diana 1, Diana 3
  • Priority 3: Everything Else

Here are their skills:

HeroesSkill 1Skill 2Skill 3Skill 4
CaraEffective when working at Pumpkin Farm. Pumpkin Yield/hr +12/18/24/32/40%Soldier Cap +10/20/30/40/50Effective when working at Pumpkin Farm. Pumpkin Storage Cap +10/20/30/40/50%Fortress' Resident Capacity +1/2/3/4/5
DianaEffective when working at Coal Mine, Stone Quarry, Iron Mine Residents' individual output in the current mine +2/4/6/8/10%Construction Speed +2/4/6/8/10%Pumpkin Yield/hr +2/4/6/8/10%Fortress' Resident Capacity +1/2/3/4/5
ElenaEffective when working at Dairy Farm. Milk Output/hr +6/12/18/24/30%Water Output/hr +5/10/15/20/25%Effective when working at Dairy Farm. Milk Storage Cap +12/18/24/32/40%Iron Output/hr +4/8/12/16/20%
Jack ChangEffective when working at Work Station. All Heroes' moving speed +20/25/30/35/40% while workingConstruction Speed +2/4/6/8/10%Wheat Yield/hr +2/4/6/8/10%Soldier Cap +10/20/30/40/50
McKinleyEffective when working at Power Generator. Power Output/hr +12/18/24/32/40%Power Generator Storage Cap +12/18/24/32/40%Effective when working at Power Generator. Power Rapid Production Output +6/12/18/24/30%All Heroes' DEF +1/2/3/4/5%

Elite and Advance Elite Production Heroes

There are ten Elite (4-skill) and nine Advanced Elite (5-skill) heroes in the game.


  1. Bacchus
  2. Beesly
  3. Erica
  4. Grace
  5. Lemuros
  6. Lori
  7. Maurer
  8. McCaul
  9. Pamela
  10. Pheidias
Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (6)

Advance Elite:

  1. Christine
  2. Fiona
  3. Helen
  4. Laura Chen
  5. Luke
  6. NATE
  7. Pearson
  8. Tikka
  9. Wolowitz
  10. Lambert (no longer attainable as of now)
Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (7)

I put these two types under one category because you use elite medals to upgrade the skills of both of them. Below, I will provide a tier list, indicating which heroes are worth getting first and what rarity it is worth getting them to. I will base the skill priority here on these rarities, so there might be good skills that don’t get to Priori 1 or 2 because they are the last ones of the hero and need quite some time and\or money to be unlocked.

Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (8)

Here’s a list of rarities and heroes that I think are worth to be evolved to these rarities or kept at purple for the sake of their skills.

  • Purple: Maurer, Grace, Lemuros, Erica, McCaul, Beesly, Lori, Pamela, Laura Chen, Tikka, Luke, Christine
  • Orange: Pheidias, Bacchus, Fiona, Helen, NATE
  • Red: Pearson, Wolowitz
  • Golden: In my humble opinion, none of the fifth skills are worth getting to right away. You can consider unlocking them if you have nothing else to unlock.


Update 1.323.001 brought a new Solari to the game – Russell.

Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (9)

This hero brought two new world map mechanics to the game:

  • Fishing (first skill)
  • Exploring (second skill)

Fishing allows you to send Russell to a lake with bubbles to sit and fish for a few hours.

Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (10)
  • There is regular fish you can catch and rare fish.
  • You can then cook that fish in your Diner for dishes that provide minor buffs.
    • Fresh fish soup – +5% gathering speed for 8 hours. Warning! Overrides any other gathering buffs you activated. – Meh.
    • Eel jelly – WPN ATK +2% for 30 minutes. – Good.
    • Steamed fish with scales – TAC ATK +2% for 30 minutes. – Good.
    • Grilled Thornback – Destructive Might +5 for 30 minutes. – Meh.
    • Stargazing Pie – Travel Speed +2% for 30 minutes. – Average.
  • Upgrading his first skill increases the amount of fish you catch and reduces the cooldown between the fishing sessions.
Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (11)

Exploring allows you to get Treasure Maps of Ruins and explore them once a day.

Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (12)
  • There are five levels of maps.
  • Russell can explore the maps that are equal to his second skill level and below.
  • You can Merge maps to get a map of a higher level.
    • 5 level 1 maps = 1 level 2 map
    • 4 level 2 maps = 1 level 3 map
    • 4 level 3 maps = 1 level 4 map
    • 3 level 4 maps = 1 level 5 map
  • The ruins you explore contain some diamonds and z-coins
  • By upgrading his second skill, you allow Russell to explore ruins of higher levels.
    • As of now, there is no point in upgrading this skill past level 4. Level 5 ruins will give you 70-85 diamonds and 1000-1200 z-coins, whereas level 4 ruins will give 50-60 diamonds and 700-800 z-coins. Considering that a) you need 3 level 4s to get a level 5 and b) you are not guaranteed to get or merge a level 5 map, it is better to consistently explore a level 4 ruin, which will yield around 1,500-1,800 diamonds and 21,000-24,000 z-coins monthly.
Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (13)

As for his other skills, only the fourth one – All heroes’ HP +1/2/3/4/5% – is worth considering.

Verdict? If you have all other Solari heroes and spend money regularly, get one copy of him. Otherwise, don’t other.

Skill priority

This skill priority assumes the heroes are at the rarities above, so everything that’s not unlocked is not mentioned here.

Also, maxing out is rarely possible because it is often better to max out your combat heroes first, so there is no priority 0.

  • Priority 1: Christine 1, Bacchus 3, Wolowitz 2
  • Priority 2: Helen 2, NATE 2, Pearson 3
  • Priority 3: Pearson 1, Pearson 2, Pearson 4, Wolowitz 1, Wolowitz 3, Wolowitz 4, Laura Chen 1, Bacchus 1, Fiona 3, Helen 1, Helen 3
  • Priority 4: Maurer 1, Pheidias 3, Grace 1, Grace 2, Lemuros 1, Erica 2, Beesly 1, Lori 1, Pamela 1, Tikka 1, Fiona 1, Fiona 2, NATE 3
  • Priority 5: Maurer 2, Pheidias 2, Erica 1, McCaul 2, Bacchus 2, Beesly 2, Lori 2, Pamela 2, Laura Chen 2, Tikka 2, Luke 1, Luke 2, NATE 1
  • Priority 6: Everything Else

Here are the skills of elite heroes:

HeroesSkill 1Skill 2Skill 3Skill 4
BacchusEffective when working at Stone Quarry. Stone Output/hr +12/18/24/32/40%ATK +1/2/3/4/5% during ExplorationCommemorative Coins obtained from Explorations +2/4/6/8/10%All Heroes' DEF +1/2/3/4/5%
BeeslyEffective when working at Sparring Room. Sparring Room's training cap +3, Commando's training speed +3/6/9/12/15%Soldier Cap +10/20/30/40/50ATK +1/2/3/4/5% during ExplorationAll Commandos' ATK +1/2/3/4/5%
EricaEffective when working at Wheat Farm. Wheat Yield/hr +8/16/24/32/40%Gathering Load +2/4/6/8/10%Effective when working at Breeding Room. Output of all Breeding Rooms +2/4/6/8/10%All Defenders‘ HP +1/2/3/4/5%
GraceEffective when working at Work Station. Construction Speed +5/10/15/20/25%Stone Output/hr +4/8/12/16/20%Z Coin Gathering Speed +4/8/12/16/20%All Heroes' DEF +1/2/3/4/5%
LemurosEffective when working at Iron Mine. Iron Output/hr +6/12/18/24/30%Mint Storage Cap +10/20/30/40/50%Effective when working at Mine. Storage Cap of all mines/quarries +12/24/36/48/60%All Heroes' DEF +1/2/3/4/5%
LoriEffective when working at Gym. Gym's training cap +3, Defender's training speed +3/6/9/12/15%Soldier Cap +10/20/30/40/50ATK +1/2/3/4/5% during ExplorationAll Defenders' ATK +1/2/3/4/5%
MaurerEffective when working at Work Station. Construction Speed +5/10/15/20/25%STR +4/8/12/16/20DEF +1/2/3/4/5% during ExplorationAll Commandos' HP +1/2/3/4/5%
McCaulEffective when working at Work Station. All Heroes' moving speed +20/25/30/35/40% while workingEffective when working at Work Station. Construction Speed +3/6/9/12/15%Material Warehouse Grids +1/2/3/4/5All Riflemen's HP +1/2/3/4/5%
PamelaEffective when working at Shooting Range. Shooting Range's training cap +3, Rifleman's training speed +3/6/9/12/15%Soldier Cap +10/20/30/40/50DEF +1/2/3/4/5% during ExplorationAll Riflemen's ATK +1/2/3/4/5%
PheidiasEffective when working at Work Station. Construction time -300/600/900/1200/1800sStones Gathering Speed +4/8/12/16/20%Effective when working at Work Station. Construction Speed +3/6/9/12/15%All Heroes' DEF +1/2/3/4/5%

And here are the skills of advanced elite ones:

HeroesSkill 1Skill 2Skill 3Skill 4Skill 5
ChristineEffective when working at Bar. Christine is good at managing Bars, the Bar Memento Coin Output +5/10/15/20/25%Mood Declining Rate -2/4/6/8/10% (Fortress)All Heroes' WPN DEF +1/2/3/4/5%All Heroes' ATK +1/2/3/4/5%Christine's homemade wine. Drink it for extra Memento Coins per hour: get +1/2/3/4/5 Memento Coins for every 40 points of LUK
FionaFiona possesses inhuman amounts of patience. Training Capacity +3/6/9/12/15 for all training facilitiesTravel Speed +2/4/6/8/10%Fiona is extremely strict when it comes to training soldiers. Training Speed +3/6/9/12/15%All Commandos' HP +1/2/3/4/5%All Riflemen's ATK +3/6/9/12/15%
HelenEffective when working at Infirmary. When herbs are available in the Infirmary, Helen will automatically start making medicines, in particular the highest-level one unlocked so far. Storage cap for medicine +6/12/18/24/30Effective when working at Infirmary. Possessing superb medical techniques, Helen is proficient in saving people's lives. Treatment Speed +10/20/30/40/50%Effective when working at Infirmary. Proficient in facility infrastructures, thus increasing the infirmary's capacity by +40/80/120/160/200All Riflemen's HP +3/6/9/12/15%50% of the grievously wounded soldiers will be converted to lightly wounded ones instead, and KIA soldiers grievously wounded ones (only applies to the first battle since being deployed). Skill CD: 50/42/36/30/24 hours. This skill applies to attacking others.
Laura ChenLaura Chen found a Cargo Van that can be dispatched to gather resources. Gathering Load +500/600/700/800/1000Effective when working at Material Warehouse. Material Warehouse Grids +2/4/6/8/10Laura Chen strengthens the bonds between allies through the use of Freight Stations. Aid Travel Speed +2/4/6/8/10%Effective when working at Material Warehouse. Laura Chen places a Safe in the Warehouse that can store and protect Z Coins from being plundered. Safe Storage Cap: 300/600/1500/3000/5000All Defenders' HP +3/6/9/12/15%
LukeEffective when working at Laboratory. Obsessed with physics since childhood, the Hero's no stranger to the study of electricity either. Research time -300/600/900/1200/1800 secondsAll Riflemen's HP +1/2/3/4/5%Effective when working at Laboratory. Luke delves deep into anything he researches. Research Speed +4/8/12/16/20%Effective when working at Laboratory. Luke always fully commits to whatever research he is assigned. Increase Research Speed by a bonus +1% for every 80/70/60/50/40 points of INTAll Heroes' ATK +1/2/3/4/5%
NATEN.A.T.E auto-collects the produced resources of all facilities and provides them with their required raw materials. +20/40/60/80/100 Load.The robot now has the tools to assist in repairing vehicles. Recovery speed of APC Durability +2/4/6/8/10%Construction Speed +4/8/12/16/20%The robot is equipped with an infrared scanner, enabling it to discover a chest in front of the Charging Station every day. Lv. 1/2/3/4/5 ChestAll Heroes' ATK +1/2/3/4/5%
PearsonUnder Pearson's leadership, multiple workers can work on one construction at a time, increasing its Construction Speed by +2/4/6/8/10%Pearson's custom made battering ram. Unit Destructive Might +4/8/12/16/20%Effective when working at Work Station. Its sophisticated design greatly improves construction efficiency. Construction Speed +5/10/15/20/25%Effective when working at Work Station. Pearson has extensive experience in the construction industry. Increase Construction Speed by 1% for every 60/55/50/40/30 points of STRAll Commandos' ATK +3/6/9/12/15%
TikkaEffective when working at Diner. Tikka can instantly cook 100/160/220/260/300 portions of Food. CD: 8 hrEffective when working at Diner. Diner Storage Cap +2/4/6/8/10Food restores mood +15/20/25/30/35%Tikka prepares ample amounts of rations for deployment soldiers, bolstering their bodies and spirits. EXP Gain from killing Zombies +6/12/18/24/30%All Heroes' HP +1/2/3/4/5%
WolowitzEffective when working at Control Center. Wolowitz led people to build the Fortress, bringing everyone plenty of confidence. STR, AGI, VIT, INT and LUK +4/8/12/16/20 for Heroes of the same FactionEffective when working at Control Center. Wolowitz sat in the central control room, reasonably dispatching the explorers and exploring the experience and commemorative coins +6/12/18/24/30%Effective when working at Control Center. Distributed work efficiently at the Control Center. Resource Production for all Mines increases by +4/8/12/16/20%Effective when working at Control Center. Wolowitz gave play to his wisdom and used automation equipment to assist in the construction, For every 60/50/40/30/20 points on INT, the Construction Speed is increased by an additional 1%All Commandos' HP +3/6/9/12/15%

In the next section (Tier List), the ranking I provide and the commentaries might better explain the skill priority I set.

Hero Tier List and Commentaries

  • SS Tier: N.A.T.E.
    • If I could get only one hero from all Elite and Advance Elite heroes, I would get N.A.T.E. The need to manually gather resources in your base and micromanage things makes this game much more tedious, so for me, N.A.T.E. is the best Solari hero in Last Fortress. Read more about him here.
  • S Tier: Pearson, Wolowitz
    • Pearson – easily the second-best production hero in the game. The ability to use multiple heroes on one construction allows you to finish long timers on those builds much, much faster.
    • Wolowitz – most of his skills are great, so he gets a spot near Pearson.
  • A Tier: Christine, Laura Chen, Helen, Fiona
    • Christine – along with the Bar, allows you to get a decent m-coin boost. The earlier you get this pair, the better.
    • Laura Chen – provides a truck that can be used for gathering. I’ve been keeping her first skill at level four for a while because it allows getting a level four iron mine fully depleted. A nice resource bonus, which also helps get more duel points on Mondays.
    • Helen – I was considering giving her an S tier, but I think she is somewhere in the middle. The ability to auto-produce meds is great, and the treatment speed buff helps use fewer meds. However, her last skill has a huge cooldown and applies only to one attack.
    • Fiona – worth getting once you have T8 troops, as the training time gets much longer at that point. Also, the higher troop cap allows you to get more duel points on Fridays.
  • B Tier: Maurer, Grace, Bacchus, Beesly, Lori, Pamela
    • Won’t go about every hero here. These are just mediocre ones. Not very great, but not bad either.
  • C Tier: Tikka, Pheidias, Erica, Russell
    • Tikka – as a 5-skill hero, her skills are not that great.
    • Pheidias – his first skill is pathetic. At level five, it shaves off 1800 seconds of construction. That’s only 30 minutes, Carl. The level 28 control center would have taken me three months to build if I didn’t have Pearson and all Work Stations. 30 minutes? Really?
    • Erica – tf is her third skill? What’s a Breeding Room? If that’s the Dairy Farm (because there’s a picture of a cow on the skill), there’s already Elena with a +30% buff.
  • D Tier: Luke, Lemuros, McCaul
    • Luke – okay, just hear me out. I think there is no need to speed up the research too much. I have always had plenty of speed-ups for research, and they keep piling up (4,000+ hours, middle season four, have not bought speed-ups at all).
    • Lemuros – one of the heroes I would get last. Only his first and last skills are okay.
    • McCaul – supposed to replace one of the rare heroes in the Work Station. But here’s a thing – you will need to upgrade his second skill to level four in order for McCaul to be more effective than, let’s say, Jack Chang.
Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (14)
Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (15)

Heroes Worth Upgrading and Putting Gear On

By ascending Solari heroes and putting gear on them, you can increase their stats. That, in turn, can affect the production of the facilities these heroes are working at and the skills of some Solaris.

Each hero has a maximum number of each stat they can gain. It is what you will get if you upgrade the hero to level 100 at Myth III rarity. Here’s where you can look that up:

Go to Hero => Portraits => Choose a hero => Max Level => [!] in the upper right corner.

Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (16)

Note: you don’t want to even think about it until your facilities reach level 20, as gains from stats will be insignificant until then.

Here’s how Solari’s stats affect different facilities:

Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (17)

Here are the skills affected by stats:

  • Pearson (Skill 4) — Increase Construction Speed by 1% for every 60/55/50/40/30 points of STR.
  • Christine (Skill 5) — Get +1/2/3/4/5 Memento Coins for every 40 points of LUK.
  • Luke (Skill 4) — Increase Research Speed by a bonus of +1% for every 80/70/60/50/40 points of INT.
  • Wolowitz (Skill 4) — For every 60/50/40/30/20 points on INT, the Construction Speed is increased by an additional 1%.

Now let’s see what you can potentially get with these heroes maxed out:

  • Pearson’s max STR is 926. With maxed-out epic gear, you can add 96 and 3.2%+7% with the weapon piece and +96 with the jewelry piece. That’s around 1232 STR that you can get to. In this case, a maxed-out fourth skill will result in a +41% construction speed bonus.
  • Christine’s max LUK is 926. With maxed-out epic gear, you can add 50 LUK with the jewelry piece. That’s 976 LUK, which is +122 m-coins per hour, with her fifth skill maxed out.
  • Luke’s max INT is 926. The limit is the same as Pearson’s one, so ~1232 INT. That’s +30.8% of Research speed.
  • Wolowitz’s max INT is also 926. With the same math, we will get +61.6% in construction speed.

As you can see, Pearson and Wolowitz are the ones who you should be maxing out first.

For other heroes, in terms of evolving, consider this priority:

  • McKinley
  • Diana
  • Lafite

Maxing builders won’t matter if you have NATE. Mario is also not worth it. Hence, the next in the line would be:

  • Trainers
  • Mint workers
  • Farmers
  • Miners

Once again, everything about putting gear on them you can read here – Gearing Up Solari Heroes.

Hope this helps. Take care!

Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (18)
Production (Solari) Heroes Guide ⇒ Last Fortress: Underground (2024)
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