Rochester charter school ordered closed by governing body (2024)

Aug. 30—ROCHESTER — Students and parents at Rosa Parks Charter High School will need to find a new school for the 2024-2025 school year.

The Minnesota Guild of Public Charter Schools issued a notice of termination to the school, which has operated in Rochester for 25 years, that becomes effective Oct. 10, 2024.

"It is a crushing and heartbreaking outcome for all involved," said James Zacchini, executive director of the Minneapolis-based Minnesota Guild. "We realize there are some students who are enrolled who are getting some rough news."

Charter schools in Minnesota, by state statutes, require an authorizer, which provides oversight of the school in terms of academic performance, governance and finance. On April 19. 2024, the Minnesota Guild sent a letter of concern to the Rosa Parks board of directors stating it had concerns in the following areas:

* Non-compliance with required Special Education (SPED) services and adherence to Individualized Education Plans (IEP).

* Physical and mental safety and well-being of students.

* Off-campus travel with no prior notice or authorization from parents.

* Appropriateness of subject matter pertaining to sexual health education.

Zacchini said the school had begun to address the issues, and the Minnesota Guild was considering allowing the school to move forward, but at that time additional complaints from students and parents came forward.

What triggered the initial letter of concern, Zacchini said, was a complaint of alleged sexual assault from February 2024 committed by one student upon another student. Further investigation indicated that the off-campus assault had been consensual, he said, but when additional complaints — mainly of students not feeling safe with the alleged assaulter still being at the school — were made, the Minnesota Guild issued another letter on May 17 outlining the following concerns:

* Limited learning taking place.

* Physical and mental safety and well-being of students is threatened.

* Certain aspects of "Sex & Drugs" class triggering negative emotional responses.

* No accountability for students exhibiting hostile behavior in violation of the school conduct policy documented in ROSA's Student & Family Handbook 2023-24.

* Inadequate staffing to meet the needs of student populations.

* Lack of professional boundaries between staff and students.

At that time, the Minnesota Guild directed the school's board of directors to hire a third-party investigator to look into allegations of conduct and other issues. And by July 17, the Minnesota Guild had issued another letter stating, "The Guild is revoking ROSA's charter due to concerns regarding ROSA's compliance with statutory requirements and their charter contract, as well as the board and administration's ability and effectiveness in overseeing and managing the school."

Zacchini said the Minnesota Guild waited to finalize the revocation of the school's charter until it had seen the results of the independent investigation. However, the response of the school did not adequately address the Minnesota Guild's concerns, Zacchini said, and the third-party investigation "confirmed several complaints and highlighted other unresolved issues despite the ROSA Board and leadership's assurances to the contrary," the Minnesota Guild noted in an Aug. 27, 2024, letter finalizing the closure of the school.

Zacchini said other issues had plagued the school in recent years. The board and staff turnover was high every year, and the school was heading into the current school year — classes started Monday, Aug. 26, 2024, according to the school's online calendar — scrambling to replace licensed teachers in certain areas.

On Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2024, the school sent a letter to parents informing them that the school had lost its charter and would be closing on Oct. 10. That letter indicated that the school board would hold a meeting Thursday night, and the results of that meeting would be shared with parents and students on Sept. 3, 2024, when school resumed.

The letter also indicated that Rosa Parks Charter would continue operation until the date of closure, and would help parents and students find a new school in the interim.

"We are so touched by the continued outpouring of support and good will from our community and beyond. We hope you realize that we put everything we had into trying to keep the school open," said the letter, which was signed by Blair Larson, the school's science teacher, acting board chair and treasurer.

According to the latest data, Zacchini said Rosa Parks Charter High School indicated it served somewhere close to 60 students. However, he added, the Minnesota Guild was never able to confirm this number based on observation and information, and it estimated Rosa Parks Charter actually served about two dozen students.

Those students, he said, based on the focus of the charter school, tended to be students who have experienced trauma, have documented anxiety disorders and/or are working under individualized education programs. Zacchini said there is one other charter school in Rochester — Rochester Beacon Academy — that also focuses on students dealing with those issues. Furthermore, Rochester Public School's Alternative Learning Center serves students with similar issues.

Rochester charter school ordered closed by governing body (2024)
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