Try Out These Multiplayer Minecraft Mods With Your Friends (2024)


  • Minecraft mods offer endless possibilities for multiplayer gameplay, allowing players to explore and build with friends in new and exciting ways.
  • Certain mods allow players to automate massive builds and efficiently gather resources, making the experience an easier group project.
  • Other mods like WorldEdit, Waystones, and JourneyMap enhance the multiplayer experience by providing tools for terraforming, navigation, and marking important locations.

Minecraft has long been a game where hundreds of players can join a server and build something spectacular while also being totally accessible to single players. Nothing in the gameplay requires a big group of friends, but a lot of us made our first gaming memories by discovering Minecraft with pals.


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Despite the regular updates, Minecraft will never be perfect for everyone, but luckily, we have thousands of talented developers who offer free mods to improve gameplay in any way we see fit. These are just some of the best ones for multiplayer servers.

Updated June 6, 2024, by Will Quick: Minecraft has always been about building things, but it can be even more fun when you and other people build something together. Just like LEGO, this is how people can come together. The original game has come such a long way in making playing together much more accessible and stable. With a better foundation, the modders can let loose their most ambitious ideas with the intent of creating mods like the following for people to enjoy together.

16 CK5: New World

A New World, A New Adventure

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The Minecraft Universe is much bigger than it seems, mainly because all the players are doing their best to physically expand it beyond its boundaries. The thing is that not everybody has the same amount of time or skill to make such big changes, and that's why we turn to modders to create expansions for us.

This is how we got the CK5: New World mod, AKA Adventure Realms, which is all about making your experience more exciting and extensive. The mod adds a new character system for character gameplay customization so that you and others can take on the batch of new bosses. But as with many adventures, prepare for things to get tougher the further along you get.

15 SuVi Pack

A Magical Crafting Pack

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A really fun activity to do with your friends and potential friends is to jump into an altered form of Minecraft and find all the things that are different. Most mods are pretty clear with their changes and add-ons, even listing them out, but some of them won't truly show themselves until you experience them for yourself.

You and the team will need to do this to enjoy and appreciate the SuVi Pack mod. It's still a work in progress, but it has a lot going for it in its current state. It focuses mainly on visuals by giving you nicer-looking furniture, the chance to automate your activities, a magic-crafting system, and a whole list of other mods to try.

14 Crafted Realms: Odyssey

An Odyssey Made For You

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Many things can define an "Odyssey," but if you're going back to the original Greek epic, there is a lot of sailing and walking involved. Much of the story can be described as follows: "Then they got on a boat" or "they walked in unknown lands," and Minecraft could use some of that. Despite the presence of the seas, mountains, and other environments, there wasn't much odyssey to be had.

That is, until you add a mod like Crafter Realms: Odyssey to your game. This will create a whole new world that's all about going on a grand journey of exploration and discovery with your friends and other people. There's room for everyone on the team, from engineers to sorcerers to farmers, who are all driven to see what this new world has to offer.

13 Buildcraft

Build And Craft, And Vice Versa

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Keep an eye out for oil deposits, which spawn occasionally throughout the world. Like crude oil in real life, this stuff is incredibly useful and can be sucked out using a Well. Oil is one of the best ways to fuel other machines you'll need.

For those worlds where you want to go big, Buildcraft is a great modpack to play around with. You'll need a group of friends just to explore and take advantage of everything this mod has to offer. Automate massive builds using blueprints and builders so you can get on with other projects while this machine creates everything from the ground up.


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Every Minecraft world needs materials, and strip mining with friends isn't what you want to be doing, so set up a Quarry or Mining Well. It will keep digging until it reaches lava or bedrock, and Wooden Pipes will transport all the blocks back to the surface for you. Waterproof Pipes can move any liquid, and Conductive Pipes transfer Redstone energy.

12 WorldEdit

Correct The World

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If you're feeling fancy or just want something funky to look at, try entering a complicated math equation to produce complex structures around your world. These can be used as the basis for cool buildings or as decoration in open landscapes.

Let's go even bigger and instantly build the whole world to your party's specifications. With WorldEdit, you and your friends can transform any landscape with a few commands. Try punching holes in a mountain, removing thousands of blocks down to bedrock, and then erecting a giant statue in your likeness.

Using Photoshop-like tools, you can brush sand into crevices, remove unsightly ores from mountainsides, or copy and paste entities to fill up your city or farm. Lava will cease to flow if you will it, and vegetation will crop up instantly. Your imagination is the limit to this, so get some inspiration online or from real-world landscapes.

11 The Aether

The Otherworldly Realm

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Look out for Moa Eggs, as these can be incubated and tamed. Once it's fully grown, you can ride these prehistoric birds around the Aether, making sky travel much easier and safer.

Floating way above the Overworld on islands reminiscent of the End, the Aether dimension is a dangerous paradise in the sky. You can visit your friends for a change of scenery, to mine new ores, or to loot useful baubles for your gameplay. Alternatively, follow the plot progression to unlock fun aspects of this heavenly landscape.

You'll need to progress through three dungeons, with increasingly difficult sections and bosses, to further the mod. Having a group of friends is going to make this a lot easier, so why not add this to your multiplayer world for some added challenge? Make sure to bring plenty of blocks with you at first to traverse the distant land masses.

10 Waystones

Move Between The Rocks

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Beacons will naturally pop up upon a player's death. This makes it super convenient to locate your dropped inventory and get back there before your stuff despawns. You can also spread out from your friends to search for useful structures, then teleport when someone finds something cool.

A big part of Minecraft is exploration. Finding useful biomes, special structures, and the perfect places to build giant farms is something you'll be doing throughout the game. Being able to get back to those places, and also find one another when your friends inevitably get lost, is an invaluable ability.

Waystones allow you to place a beacon with your coordinates attached, as well as a label to remind you of what's there. You can then teleport to it if you wish, or just use it as a guide. This way you can find your way back home, or leave behind a note about something interesting you've found for your friends.

9 JourneyMap

See Where You Are On Your Path

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When you start up your server for the first time, try pressing 'J' and click 'Auto Map' to see a map of the whole world. This way, you can choose the perfect place to set up your huge base without trekking through dangerous jungles and over oceans.

In the same vein, JourneyMap is a great mod for keeping track of friends and finding each other when adventures go awry. Not only does this mod show you and other players, but the different colored tokens portray aggressive mobs, passive mobs, specially generated buildings, and which biomes you're near. This is a great way to stop a Zombie sneaking up on you or your pals if they have dastardly intent!


11 Minecraft Mods For RPG Fans

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You can mark things on the map, which can be toggled to stay on screen in the corner at all times. Never misplace friends again.

8 Ender Storage

Where Do Things Go In The End?

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When out exploring, if you find that you need to get home in a hurry but don't have any teleportation mods active, just drop all of your stuff and then get your brains eaten by a Zombie.

Distance makes the heart grow fonder, but doesn't it suck when someone from your party wanders off carrying something super valuable that you need for crafting? Introducing Ender Storage. This mod works like any other Ender Chest, except anyone can reach in and take items. The chests are color-coded so, for example, the red Chest links up to every other red Chest. There are also Ender Pouches, which are helpful portable storage solutions.

If one of your friends is building something epic on one side of the world, you can farm items for it somewhere else and drop them in these handy modded Ender Chests for them to use. Alternatively, if you have to share something rare, such as a Beacon, it's easy to borrow it from the communal chest wherever you are. Just make sure to put it back again.

7 Vault Hunters

Time To Crack Into Some Treasure

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The more friends you play with, the faster you can collectively unlock the specialist, high-tier skills that change the game. Each player can go down a different research path to open mods such as Elevators, Colossal Chests, and Botania.

This isn't a quality-of-life mod but rather an adventure for you and your friends to journey together. Procedurally generated Vaults will spawn and are opened using Crystals, which can be crafted, imbued, modified, and farmed. Everything revolves around these crystals.

The mod pack turns Minecraft into an RPG, with a variety of play styles and progression, armor sets, and special abilities such as Dash, Mega Jump, and Ghost Walk. You'll research to earn experience and unlock new powers while tackling every surprise the Vault throws at you. There will be rich rewards and peril. Compete with friends or build a team to defeat the game.

6 Better MC

Making Things Better

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The sheer size of this modpack means that you're never going to be able to discover all of it. Start with one dimension or goal in mind, such as reaching a Bastion Castle in the Nether, rather than running at high-level bosses blindly.

Better MC advertises itself as being Minecraft 2, or 'what Minecraft should have been.' Whether you agree with them or not, this is certainly a big adventure to embark on. This is an entire modpack, which means it's made up of a lot of separate mods that work well together. The quality-of-life additions are certainly helpful, like Just Enough Items, but that's not why you install something like this.


The Creepiest Minecraft Mods

Minecraft is an innocent enough game, but these modders added a sinister twist to it.

Not only are there thousands of new mobs, items, and blocks, but you can also build portals to new dimensions like the Twilight Forest, uncover deadly dungeons full of traps, and encounter bosses that require an army to defeat. The End has also been overhauled into something akin to a microscopic world full of bacteria made by moss and fungi that tower over you. This is a great way to explore with friends.

5 Domestication Innovation

Stepping Up Interior Design

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If you think a rabbit pet would be cute but are let down by their attack stats, then try looting Woodland Mansions. In very rare cases, you can discover a Sinister Carrot. If fed to a tamed Rabbit, it will turn it into a Killer Rabbit with much-improved stats in battle.

If you've ever wanted to interact more with the animals in Minecraft, then this is the mod for you. Domestication Innovation massively expands on the term 'Tamed,' allowing you to befriend, train and even enchant wildlife. Think of it like giving a Wolf a Bone in vanilla Minecraft to get a Dog that will fight for you.

However, you won't be limited to just Dogs, as Frogs, Axolotls, Horses, Rabbits, Foxes, and loads more can be fully trained to do your bidding, which also extends way beyond a weak attack. Enchantments like Psychic Wall stop entities from approaching, Bubbling traps mobs in floating bubbles, Charisma which lowers trade prices, as well as curses like Blight and Immaturity. Train up a hoard of your favorite animals and hunt down the rarest enchantments, then battle it out against friends, or take on a Bastion together with your formidable Pandas.

4 RLCraft

More Dragons, More Awesome

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Try to tame a flying mount as quickly as possible. It can take a while, but by farming Silex and Trolls underground, you can get Avian Treats and Saddle to tame a Roc or Raiko. This makes exploration and looting infinitely easier.

This modpack touts that it's one of the hardest and most complex developed so far. Over 180 individual mods make it up and create what is essentially an entirely new game with the most devastating mobs you'll ever encounter. If you're prone to rage-quitting, this might not be for you.


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Having a group to watch your back is essential when starting this mod, as dragons roam the skies, insta-killing unsuspecting players, and the oceans are full of creatures that will drag you into the depths. However, this is balanced by the incredibly overpowered Baubles, Enchantments, and loot-filled structures that can be found the moment you spawn. Stick together, and you might just make it to the optional bosses, like Asmodeus and Rahovart.

3 Pixelmon

A Blocky Monster Adventure

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To travel in style, get yourself a flying mount such as a Hoothoot or Spearow. When they evolve at level 20, you can explore much more easily.

We've all wanted to live in a world full of Pokemon that are our best friends, riding them around and earning badges. If Pokemon Go didn't scratch that itch for you, then maybe this Minecraft mod will. Download it with friends to discover all the Pokemon you've come to know and love, as well as all the strange new ones that no one can keep track of anymore.

The battle mechanics of Generation Eight are all there, and you can buy Poke Balls or craft your own using new crafting materials. Vanilla Minecraft mobs will no longer spawn, but most of the other parts of Minecraft you love will remain. Multiplayer servers are a great way to battle real players and earn TMs, so get out there and catch 'em all!

2 The Hunger Games

Are You Hungry?

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Place down any green boxes that appear in your inventory. You can right-click to open them and receive gifts from sponsors, like in the books. What you receive is randomly generated from a table, but some possibilities include awesome weapons and helpful food.

Another amazingly popular series is The Hunger Games. Whether you cheered for Katniss or Finnick, this is your chance to prove to your buddies that you'd have won if it was real, and you totally wouldn't have somehow frozen to death on the first night.

You don't need a huge group of friends to play, though, as the mod provides you with teams of incredibly intelligent tributes to outwit, as well as thematic weapons and outfits. Beware of Tracker Jacker Hives, and heed the advice of your mentor, or else the next cannon might be for you.

1 Survival Island

New Episodes Every Evening

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Make sure to choose which type of map you'd like to generate upon creating the world by going into World Creation. Choose many smaller islands and defend them from your friends with traps and underwater tunnels.

Have you ever wanted your little island paradise? Perhaps neighboring your best friend so you can build bridges and ships in between? Then this is the perfect mod for you guys. This configurable mod allows you to set the parameters for exactly the world you want to live in.

You can even generate a map that is entirely one large (or small, if you're looking for a struggle) island, where you'll all need to ration the blocks and avoid culling the limited animals. This flips the script of Minecraft, which is typically an endlessly generating world of resources. See which island lasts the longest and who comes begging for a Sapling first.


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Try Out These Multiplayer Minecraft Mods With Your Friends (2024)
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