What a HELL world this is! DxD - Chapter 1 - Lipe_Ghoul - ハイスクール DxD - 石踏 一榮 | High School DxD (2024)

Chapter Text

Issei began to rethink everything he'd been through. Being betrayed by a fallen angel and dying on a date, only to spend his last minutes thinking about a busty redhead who turned him into a demon.

Then he met a fair that was tricked by the fallen angels.

He saves his current girlfriend from an arranged marriage.

Became a celebrity to underworld kids.

Helped stop a terrorist group from destroying everything.

He died for the second and received A BODY MADE OF THE FLESH AND BLOOD OF THE GREAT RED! THE MOST POWERFUL BEING TODAY! And received some of the power of Ophis, the second strongest being.

Rescued a descendant of the leviathan demon queen.

And now he was falling into the portal after defeat and falling into a trap from the God Hades.

" sh*t "

[ I agree ]

Issei had a terrible headache.

He was in his normal Balance Breaker, which came as a surprise to him, looking around he noticed that there was a forest.

[ Finally woke up dude, I wondering how long you would stay asleep ] Ddraig said in a sarcastic tone.

" Ddraig where are we " Issei said as he adjusted himself and sat down on the floor.

[ Through the landscape, somewhere on Earth but I highly doubt Hades sent us to Earth ] Ddraig had a lot of doubts and Hades is not someone who plays fair.

" Well there's only one way to find out " Issei rose from the ground and spread his wings.

He was flying far into the sky at a speed that exceeded the speed of sound. Issei began to search for clues to see where he was but...

" Ddraig " Issei called out to his friend while looking at the sky.

[ Yes ] Ddraig responds

" Are you seeing what I'm seeing? " Issei asked his friend.

[ If you are referring to the two planets living in the sky then, no ] Ddraig replied in a sarcastic tone.

Issei stopped and he saw two visible planets in the sky, a blue planet that appears to be about the same size as Saturn another planet that was a little further away was purple and blue.

" I'm no longer on earth " Issei said with fear rising in his heart, he was a long way from home .

[ I the great, Wales Ddraig, one who possesses flames that are capable of killing gods, journey to every corner of the earth, in my battle with Albion, we surpassed the heavens and descended into hell to return to earth, we annihilate angels, demons, fallen angels. But this would be the first time I've gone away from the world of men, to see this ] Ddraig was having crisis as it would be his first time away from Earth.

Although the Welsh dragon that once traveled across the land is now on another planet.

" I believe a teleportation circle would not work "Issei began to consider the possibilities of trying to return home.

[ It would be a miracle, Hades probably threw us light years away from Earth, we will have to find another way to get out of this place ] Ddraig knew Hades from the few times they had fought.

" Very well " Issei with no other options.

Issei left to continue his search.

Crossing the horizon in the blink of an eye, Issei arrived at a place that was a port city with a mountain nearby. The city looked very modern, full of tall buildings, but nothing shocking, there were several open areas full of plants.

Issei was still in the air when he decided to use his powers to see from afar.

" I got lucky! " Issei shouted excitedly but because it is so loud his voice cannot be heard by the people.

From a distance, Issei could see many women with breasts and asses, in fact, he saw many beautiful women.

[ It is serious? We're stuck on an unknown planet that could be trillions of light years away and you think about boobs some of the time! ] Ddraig couldn't believe that Issei was thinking about a woman at such a serious moment when they were on an unknown planet far away from Earth.

" Wait I noticed something strange " Issei noticed it very strange.

[ What was now? ] Ddraig said without is very interested.

" There are no men " Issei said and this caused a silence between Issei and Ddraig.

Ddraig remained silent without understanding anything.

[ How? ] Ddraig wishes he had an eyebrow to raise one right now.

" There are no men, I haven't seen any men so far " Issei repeated.

Ddraig decided to look behind Issei's vision, it was impossible not to have men in the middle of a big city, there should even be children.

[ Let's go to a building to get a better view because this looks weird ] Ddraig wanted to analyze things better.

Issei agreed with Head and he went to the top of a building where no one would notice him, using his powers again in his eyes he looked down he looked for a moving one.

Highways, shops, park, food court etc.

But also look at several open places full of people. But nothing, Issei didn't find any men in a city full of women that didn't make the best sense, there was no way to have so many women or even a single man in this giant city.

" Dude looks like that science fiction movie " The helmet started to fall apart, starting first with its yellow fangs which were removed then the eyes, then the mouth part opened and after a while it fell apart into particles of energy. Then the protection on the forehead did the same process that occurred on the mouth, until Issei's face was revealed, the only thing left of the helmet was the ear protection. " I'm far from home on a planet full of women, and I'm the only man on this planet, and what do I do? "

Even with Ddraig functioning as a second head in his head, there were no men in that place, but there was another problem, does this planet have the technology for him to return home.

Issei is not sexist, he knew intelligent women, but not in his world, the great names in science were Azazel and Ajuka, two extremely intelligent men, the only woman he considered a genius was Sona.

But until today he had no woman who had created something amazing!

Discouraged, Issei looked to the side, his ability to see long distances was still activating in a building far away he saw a beautiful woman with red hair, big breasts that could rival Yasaka's, a beauty with a big ass, a wide waist and a good physique.

The woman was undressing, she had just taken off her suit and threw the bra over her shoulder, letting it fall to the floor. The woman held the zipper of her skirt and pulled it down, letting her skirt fall.

Everything was fine, but Issei noticed something strange about this woman, there was a bump on her private part. He found that very strange.

When the woman took off her panties. There was a surprise, something he had never imagined, just a hentai manga or a p*rn story about a sick person,the woman had... a penis.

" Ddraig are you seeing what I'm seeing " Issei asked in horror.

[ If you are referring to a woman with a penis... Yes I see it and I am horrified ] Ddraig said he can't believe what he saw.

Issei was stopping without believing what his eyes were seeing.

That wasn't crazy enough, no it wasn't.

The woman sat on a chair and lifted his balls revealing a vagin*!

" No... It's possible " Issei didn't want to believe it, something like this shouldn't exist.

[ I believe this planet is the result of God's death, this is not natural, a woman with a penis and vagin*, has this become a f*cking p*rn? ] Ddraig tried to formulate a theory, but this is the only answer he could find, God's death caused this to break the natural laws of the universe.

This undoubtedly goes against the nature of anything... Except monsters but still many monsters don't have that.

[ It explains why there are no men in this place, hhy have men if women get pregnant themselves? What a crazy Dude ] Ddraig was calming down to analyze things calmly.

" Who would have thought that I would end up in the world of Futa " Not even his wildest dreams or his most terrible dreams he thought would end like this.

[ What the hell is a futa? ] Ddraig didn't understand.

" Futa or Futanari has the same meaning that hermaphrodite " Issei explained, as he knew that one time he accidentally picked up a Futanari Hentai manga by accident.

[ I understand ]

Issei and Ddraig were silent.

Issei deactivated the powers in his eyes, sighed and took a breath, burying his face in his palms.

[ Dude, we are f*cked from head to toe, we simply cannot mix on this planet! A ONLY man on a planet full of futa women we are f*cked and underpaid ] Ddraig was controlling himself to not lose his temper and remain calm.

" What do we do now ? " Issei had no idea what to do.

[ We only have two options. First you find a way to blend in there or... ] Ddraig needs Issei to find a way to fit in on this planet that is full of women with penises.

" Or that? " Issei was nervous about the next option.

[ Pray ] Ddraig said.

Issei blinked.

[ Pray my son, pray for God's will to help you my son. Only he can help with this time, you cry out for him in church, date 3 of his followers, have two of his artifacts, helped save kingdom him, and he was already blessed by him in his fight against Cao-Cao ] Ddraig recited every time Issei did something that had a correlation with the Biblical God.

Even though only his will existed in the world, his will was like a black hole. Powerful and indestructible.

Issei was silent.

First it was very risky.

The second... We can say he was scared, Issei is a dragon and demon not a hybrid but his characteristics as a dragon remain. There was a being that would probably awaken God's fury because he is a demon, a race generated by Lucifer's rebellion that had completely lost its light, Dragon, God had such a great hatred for dragons that there was a fallen angel Dragon whose blood was deadly to any dragon.

Issei already died because of this dragon blood.

" Well... "

" Thanks for the help Issei "

" No problem Takamine "

Men, I was lucky to meet Miss Takamine, Although this city had no men they were still born but it was a 1 in 1 billion chance it is very rare. I'm like a celebrity who can't go out during the day, I spent a week hiding, the dirtiest and darkest places in this city allowed me to walk freely.

Takamine is a teacher from Shijou Academy which is currently undergoing a "change" the new principal installed a new sexual education method, called of sexual motivation plan.

As little as I can see because I can't go out normally during the day, I saw that this method was only that the teachers used provocative clothes. Takamine-san don't even button your shirt, leaving your breasts and bra showing.

How I met Takamine, I saved her from being harassed by a group of futa women.

They thought men were weak because it is rare for one to be born, I defeated everyone with a single spinning kick.

I was going to leave but Takamine-san came after me, thanking me and rewarding me.

" A place to stay would be good "

So I started living with her.

She lives in an apartment on the top floor and her house is a mess, worse than Xenovia's room.

While I take care of her house, sometimes when the Takamine-san was working, I would go out to look for information or someone to help me get home.

But nothing so far but I feel like someone knows about my existence.

I was helping Takamine-san wait for the shopping, it's a bit difficult to go out during the day, it's not that hard to disguise myself, I fit the tomboy type, I could bluntly say that I would be Xenovia, but without a lot of muscles.

The only thing I had to do was to put on a wig and a pair of fake breasts.

It was quiet and we got home without any problems.

" Finally some rest! " Hearing Takamine-san talking to herself in the room.

I turned around and Takamine-san was in a shirt showing her beautiful breasts and a black bra, she was wearing a long skirt and pantyhose.

I laughed and took off the wig and the fake breasts, took two bottles of water and went into the living room.

" This sun is terrible " I handed her a bottle of water.

" Definitely * drinking water quickly * I'm for you don't drip a drop of sweat " Takamine-san was a fast drinker.

" I think these are my advantages as a man in a world of only women " I said jokingly.

" Oh~ Mr Macho~ proved myself and showed his powerful muscles " Takamine-san also said jokingly with a seductive voice.

" Well... " I took off my coat, pushed back the sleeve of the red shirt I always wore, and closed my hand tightly.

She was really surprised when I showed her my arm muscles although I'm sure she would be floored seeing Sairaorg.

I'm normal compared to him.

I think the fact of not having a man for I don't know how many years helps create many myths and legends.

" Truly impressive " Takamine-san put her hand on my arm and started to analyze my muscles, well, she is a biology teacher.

“ I need to speak to the principal, we did not have time for the study of male biology, it is a rare opportunity as long as it is a closed event ” Takamine-san, since she was a teacher and biology was one of her subjects, she was fascinated by male biology.

She took her hands off my arm and then I stopped pushing.

The rest of the day wasn't interesting, I don't really like TV shows, none of them interest me. There's only one that runs at night, and it's about giant robots, and it's still not very good, I really like to read books, and thanks to Takamine-san, I can read a lot of books, after all, she is a teacher.

I left Takamine-san resting on the sofa and went to do other things, thanking Akeno and Asia for rehearsing me in the kitchen.

After I've done everything and I've waited for nightfall.

" Ise-kun is a little busy with work and maybe I'll sleep late " Takamine-san entered her room and closed the door, she works too much.

" Ok " I responded but she had already closed the door.

Now I have time to myself, I went to my room where there was nothing much and opened the window and jumped out.

[ Welsh Sonic Boost Knight ]

Before I could start falling, I activated the knight mode of my armor and flew through the sky, I was flying from the direction of the sea, I was high enough that no one noticed me.

[ Welsh Blaster Bishop ]

My hands become sonic cannons, I fired sound waves at a frequency where only my Wyverns could hear.

They spread all over the city, although this city where I am is one of the small ones, small for them, but for that very reason it is the same size as the city in the territory of Gremory.

There must be someone, at least a madwoman, who has it in this place.


" I found! "

[ Welsh Sonic Boost Knight ]

It's almost night, I need to be careful.

Using the various and controlling my speed so as not to break the sound barrier and I reached the "lower part" of the city.

The frequency was increasing my Wyvern is near.

In a dark alley I noticed a well hidden door, I looked up and found my red Wyvern, it was at the top of the building facing the door.

I entered the place and it was very dark

[ Penetration ]

Wow this place is filthy, a lot of garbage bag and a lot of old and rusty parts.

" Let's get with this "

Continent advancing while ignoring all this dirt, by God— What a headache! This place is filthy, not even Xenovia's room is that dirty.

I entered another door and came face to face with a giant machine, the machine was shaped like an incomplete circle, there are many cables on the floor, parts are incomplete or out of place, this is also a mess.

Room is a rectangular, there were two doors, the door I just entered is on the right side and there was another door that needs to climb a small staircase, in front of me was a very wide table full of equipment and tools, in the middle of which was a whiteboard full of notes and complex and advanced mathematical calculations.

There's someone behind me

I quickly turned around, holding the hands of a woman who was holding a gun.

A woman with dark skin a little clear, long red hair and blue eyes and she was wearing dark brown glasses, she was half-naked wearing only a bra and red panties that managed to cover her penis, she had a defined body mainly in his belly, she was wearing a lab coat and she wasn't wearing anything.

" Calm down " I tried to calm her.

She swallowed hard.

I let go of her hands, she was visibly nervous and scared. She dropped her gun, but was able to easily pick it up and give it back to her

" You name "

She blinked.

" Your name, tell me your name "

" Reina "

" Reina, told me about this project " I pointed at the machine of half malignant form.

Reina, although with a little fear, looked at the incomplete machine and changed completely.

" This... It's my life's project " Reina started on the way to the machine steering.

" This machine is a wonder of the modern age, a great for all science and will leave my name in history before he is forgotten by the sands of time and by ignorance. Didn't think small! Cross a city, cars already do that, cross another side country irrelevant, cross an ocean is already outdated " Reina stood with her back to the machine, her arms raised as if the thing in front of her was the most important thing in her life.

" BUT I COULD NOT COMPLETE IT! IT DOESN’T MATTER HOW MANY CALCULATIONS I DO! I DON'T KNOW WHERE I'M WRONG " She changed completely, getting bent over and I'm not understanding the what she was doing. She stood up straight again and pointed to the board where there was a mathematical formula I would NEVER use in my private life.

“ Ddraig what do you think? ” I asked Ddraig since he has lived a long time he must know a little more math than me.

[ She got a little careless, she made some ridiculous mistakes, but I think I can fix it, I'm not Azazel or Ajuka, but I can help ] Ddraig can help me, cool.

" Your logic is not wrong, but some of your calculations are wrong " I said a more serious tone.

I went to the whiteboard and took the eraser that was on the table and erased the wrong calculations with the help of Ddraig. I took the pen and took off the cap and started to correct her miscalculations with Ddraig's help, of course I don't have the ability to do that.

" Your excitement must have affected your mind that you made some calculations wrong, there are some mistakes, one mistake can change everything but several mistakes can destroy an interior project " I said while I fix some calculations.

She appeared next to me. With Ddraig's help, they solved some boring and complex calculations, at times when an Azazel or an Ajuka or maybe a Sona would be useful, it's a lot of boring calculations.

After a few minutes we finished the calculations.

" GREAT! " Reina was very excited now so that his penis was hard. It is very uncomfortable to see a beautiful woman with a hard penis in panties, and to make it a little calmer, her panties only cover his balls.

To make it even worse, I also have a hard penis.

" You! I need of an ore red crystal rubibuim " She pointed at me with her dick still hard.

" Very well " With my speed I leave the place.

P.o.V Reina

That crazy guy in armor left.

" Aaaaaa~ " I breathed a long sigh of relief.

My heart is still very fast, it almost comes out of my mouth, It was the first time in my life that I felt so much excitement and fear to make my situation worse, my dick is hard as a rock.

I'm almost cumming! But no, not now I need to start working again!

I woke up

" Where can I find this miner " He came back and his voice came from behind me

I turned around and jumped! He came out of nowhere again!

" The mountain nearby— " I stopped talking because we didn't set a time for us to meet again.

" What time will you be back? I need to know what time and when it will return so I can start purchasing parts.

" Tomorrow at nightfall, I would do the ore now tell me any mountain " He replied with that cold voice

" This mountain right near the city " I respond, trying to keep my tone calm so as not to show fear.

" Good " He said.

He disappeared again!

Oh! I couldn't take it anymore! cumming!

Damn you! Made me cum!

" Little... It matters now... I... I have work to... do " My heart is racing and I'm still recovering from ejacul*tion.

P.o.v Issei

I'll need to go to the library tomorrow.

It got dark very quickly, or I got lost in my thoughts, thinking about the girls' situation.

I wonder what they would think.

I went back to Takamine-san's apartment.

I went into my room and went to sleep, Takamine-san will probably finish his things by 9 or 11 at night.

I ordered my Wyverns to analyze the mountain, but I ordered the Wyvern where I found Reina to stay put.

" It's going to take work to get out of this place " I closed my eyes and covered myself with a sheet.

P.o.v Takamine

It was so tiring!

I wanted the Kanade were here for us to have sex!

Finally my planning for next week and the following week was ready!

I looked at the clock and it's... MIDNIGHT!

Issei must already be asleep.

Working and having sex with a lot of teenagers is exhausting, especially because many want sex, and I won't deny that there are some students who have incredible sex.

But my favorite is always Kanade.... But currently I've been thinking about one thing Issei never asked to have sex with me, we women and Futanari we have a natural desire for sex, but because he is a man and I can't forget that men are rare, I never had the opportunity to work and study the opposite sex.

He is more focused and finishes packing things at home very quickly. Well he might be an exception.

Always exceptions.

Just as not all Futanari are easily attracted to sex, many Futanari are attracted to having sex very quickly.

Kanade and I myself are the perfect example.

It's true that the school where I work would be the perfect example, I can count on one hand the number of people who are not having sex.

I wish to know more about Issei and I wish to study more about his nature as a Man.

But I'll leave that for tomorrow, I'm very tired.

P.o.v Issei

" It's going to be difficult " I guess I expected it to be so hard to get some ores.

I'm inside the mountain that was close to the city, I had to be careful not to open a big hole in the mountain and not to cause a landslide that could destroy part of the city.

I was just a single! Damn problem! This mountain has many red ores. I've never seen so many different ores with the same color!

One of my Wyverns stole a book on about minerals from the local library, so I don't run the risk of having some ore that could cause an explosion or something worse!

[ I didn't expect it to take so much work to get a single red ore ] Ddraig must be enjoying this situation.

" I thought it would be quick! But this is ridiculous! " I'm angry.

Reina only needs one! Damn one! But now I'm in a mountain with several ores of the same color, and because I'm terrible at magic, I make something bad happen and I can't fix it. I can cause destruction in the city because there are some ores that are explosive! I repeat EXPLOSIVES!!!

I have a book in hand and it has like 40 red ores, it's JOKING!

" I should have brought her with me " I was holding the book in my left hand, I put my right one to my face while shaking my head.

[ Certainly ] He agreed with me.

P.o.v Takamine

I'm in principal Meiko's office.

" Is there a problem Takamine-san? "

Principal Meiko, she was a very beautiful futanari woman, he was 170 tall, long hair and purple eyes she had huge breasts and ass, wide waist with wonderful thighs, a penis measuring 18 cm and very thick.

She was sitting at her desk and I'm surprised that she's not having sex with his new wives.

" No problem ma'am, in fact, I would like to talk about a subject that cannot leave this room "

" Say "

I took a deep breath because I know this woman is excited I could see her beautiful breasts she wants to have sex with me.

" I have a man in my house "

Her expansion has changed, she was really surprised by what I said, I shouldn't be surprised because our city never had a record of a man before.

" What are you planning? "

" I plan to bring him to a biology class, this will be a great opportunity to show male and female differences "

She was silent.

She passed her right arm under her breasts, with her right hand she was holding his left arm elbow, her left hand was holding his chin.

" This can't get us in trouble with the government? "

" If we did it discreetly "

She was silent.

" I would think about it and give you the information soon you can leave "

" Understood "

I turned and left the room.

I'm surprised she didn't deny or even complain about my idea of bringing a man here.

I'm not someone who believes the government has secret bases but everything has some secret and I don't doubt the government has some dark secrets.

I'm lost in my thoughts as I walk through the Academy.

" Sensei "

I stopped at a crossroads and on my left side was Tatuki Kanade-san my girlfriend hehehehe but that's a secret.

" Sensei what happened? "

I shook my head.

" Nothing to worry about, just a special class that I'm planning and I need the director's premise "

Kanade-san was curious and confused because the director is very liberal when teachers want to make changes to classes.

" Anyway, I'm looking forward to your class "

" Me too "

We both need to go to class although we could have sex at school but there were still limits, if I just had sex, that time would be deducted from my salary.

P.o.v Meiko

... A man...

This will be very interesting.

P.o.v Issei

Why out of nowhere I feel a harness

What a HELL world this is! DxD - Chapter 1 - Lipe_Ghoul - ハイスクール DxD - 石踏 一榮 | High School DxD (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.