Wolves vs West Brom is back - almost a decade later (2024)

(Additional reporting by Gregg Evans)

A fan survey some years ago that aimed to rank English football’s club rivalries in order of ferocity, hatred and unrestrained barbarity did not have Liverpool and Manchester at the top of the list, nor Sunderland and Newcastle.

Quite how many of the survey’s respondents resided in Oldbury or Fallings Park is unclear, but it was Wolverhampton Wanderers versus West Bromwich Albion that topped the list. The Black Country derby.


A contest to discover just who hates each other the most is about as useful as asking who loves breathing and eating more than anyone else, but as the adage goes, no game is more important to the vast majority of Wolves and Albion fans.

Heroes and villains form in these contests. Names less familiar to the wider football world have been etched in Black Country folklore because they scored a winning goal or made a telling contribution in the derby.

Iwan Roberts, Kevin Donovan, Rob Hindmarch, Jordao, Mark Kendall, Andy Hunt, George Ndah, Zoltan Gera… to so many supporters, they are synonymous with a fixture from recent decades.

It’s not just winning goals or penalty saves that lead to such status, or notoriety.

The name Paul Crichton will be known to Wolves supporters purely for the reason he shanked a succession of goal kicks directly out of play during a derby in 1997.

The South Bank isthe stand for hardcore supporters at Molineux, but Albion fans claimed it for their own in 2007 when due to ticket allocation purposes they took it over for an FA Cup tie (Jez Moxey’s reputation would never recover after he offered fans a pie and a pint to say sorry).

Graham Roberts only played for Albion for two seasons but he’s mostly remembered for being handed a carrot by a Wolves fan who ran onto the pitch in 1991. Baggies manager (and former Wolves striker) Bobby Gould grabbed the supporter and frogmarched him off the field as a bemused Roberts tried to make sense of it all.

When Bakary Sako’s contract was expiring in 2015, Albion were reportedly in the hunt to sign him. Wolves chairman Steve Morgan addressed the situation at the club’s end of season dinner: “Whatever happens, we wish you all the best… just don’t sign for West Brom.”

Sako elected to join Crystal Palace instead, although he would later play for Albion, joining a group who’ve played for both clubs that contains the likes of Cyrille Regis, Steve Bull, Joleon Lescott, Don Goodman and Ally Robertson.


Perhaps a rivalry can be judged by the ire a direct transfer between the two would cause and it’s telling that the last player to directly cross the divide was left-back Paul Edwards in 1994 (from Wolves to Albion). No one has dared since.

The two clubs are more similar than some of their fans would like to admit. They share history (the term “Black Country” comes from the soot and pollution that covered the area in its industrial, coal mining heyday), are both proud of their footballing pasts and have similar-sized fanbases. They even share a pre-match song, The Liquidator, although it’s still banned from being played at Molineux due to supporters chanting for their neighbours to f*ck off. Quite.

It’s been nine years since they met, making this the longest non-wartime gap ever without a Black Country derby. If it’s anything as dramatic or pivotal as the last game, it’ll be talked about for years. More of that later.

The origins

Historically, however, Wolves and Albion weren’t even each other’s great foes, let alone two of the biggest local rivals in the country.

Albion versus Aston Villa was traditionally the biggest rivalry in the region, indeed to many generations that remains the case. Wolves tended to spar more with Stoke City in what was, before border realignments changed the picture, the Staffordshire derby.

The first meeting between the two teams came five years before the Football League was formed, when Albion beat Wolves 4-2 in a Birmingham Senior Cup tie in 1883.

Wolves did the double over their neighbours in the first Football League season (2-1 at home, 3-1 away) but it wasn’t until the 1950s, when both teams jostled for the country’s major honours, that a keen rivalry formed in a purely footballing sense (people would often go to Molineux one weekend and The Hawthorns the next at this time). Wolves pipped Albion to the league title by four points in 1954 and Albion won the FA Cup the same year. The teams then shared the Charity Shield a few months later when playing out a 4-4 thriller.


Wolves historian Pat Quirke says: “Wolves and Albion didn’t really come to prominence until after the war. The practice of fans going to watch more than one local team was quite common back then, before the rivalry became tribal.

“It’s got a lot bigger as the years have gone on, especially from the 1970s and 1980s when football crowds, with chants, flags, hooliganism, became more like prehistoric tribes.”

Wolves’ only love sprung from their only hate

November 20, 1986, was a sliding doors moment in Wolves’ history. That was the day Steve Bull and Andy Thompson rocked up at a derelict Molineux in a bright orange Ford Cortina, having been sold by Albion (who had been a top-flight club for the previous 10 seasons while abysmal Wolves suffered three successive relegations) for a combined fee of £70,000.

Thirteen years later, Bull retired having scored 306 times for Wolves, with him and Thompson playing 1,012 times for Wolves between them, helping the club rise from its lowest ever ebb in the fourth tier up to the second.

Albion sold several players to Wolves in those days, including Robbie Dennison, John Paskin and even legendary Hawthorns centre-back Ally Robertson, with Wolves languishing in the doldrums. When the derby returned after a five-year absence in 1989, they were back on a level playing field and the animosity grew.

Thompson says: “When me and Bully moved, West Brom had been in the top flight, Wolves were seriously struggling. The rivalry wasn’t great at that time because they weren’t playing each other.

“Ally Robertson was the first to make the move and did a tremendous job for Wolves having been synonymous with Albion.

“Wolves fans would always rub it in the Albion fans’ faces for getting me and Bully for the amount we did and both doing well for Wolves. The state Wolves were in, then climbing the tables and playing each other again… there was a lot of hatred and animosity from then on.”


John Homer, chairman of West Bromwich Albion Supporters’ Club and a respected Albion historian, says: “There’s no doubt that for some Albion fans of my generation the bigger game will always be the one against Villa.

“But for a younger generation, we went through a spell from the mid-80s until the early 2000s when we didn’t play Villa and so Wolves became a massive game.

“I think there is sometimes a sense that, because of the geography, this game is bigger for Wolves than it is for us because it’s their only derby whereas we have two.

“The real animosity started in the 1980s when we sold them a quartet of players — Andy Thompson, Robbie Dennison, Ally Robertson and, of course, Steve Bull — who became the cornerstone of them coming back from the brink of extinction and climbing back to respectability.

“That stuck in the craw for both sets of supporters — for Albion fans to think we’d helped get them back on the right path and for Wolves fans knowing they had Albion to thank.

“I mean, I can’t think of any other player who is as synonymous with a particular club as Steve Bull is with Wolves, and yet his only ever appearance in the top division came for the Albion.”

Bull’s first return to The Hawthorns in 1989 is possibly the most fondly remembered derby of all for Wolves supporters. Trailing 1-0, Wolves equalised and then their goalkeeper Mark Kendall saved Bernard McNally’s penalty. Cue Bull scoring a last-minute winner in front of a feral away end.

“It still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up,” Bull told The Athletic last year.

Wolves’ manager that day was Graham Turner, who guided the club up the leagues.

“The build-up was always special to the derby and it added spice to every game around that time that we’d got a few ex-West Brom players in the side, Bully, Thommo, Robbie Dennison,” he says. “The presence of that connection heightened it.


“It would be fair to say we almost pinched the three players from West Brom, they were bargain prices! And they were people who gave great service to Wolves for many, many years. Bully is arguably the most popular player to ever play at Molineux and ranks up there with the best signing I ever made, for sure.”

Thompson adds: “Being a local lad you know more about what it means to everyone in the area. There’s no grey area and I absolutely loved playing in them. They say form goes out of the window during derbies and I always felt that was the case. They were battles.”

The rivalry intensifies

Wolves did the double over Albion in 1989-90 but it was not a sign of things to come. In fact, since that season, West Brom have won 15 of their 31 meetings, with Wolves winning only six.

From the 1990-91 season to 2000-01, the two teams met on 18 occasions as they repeatedly tried and failed to lift themselves to the top flight. Of those 18 games, Albion won seven to Wolves’ four. The most memorable win for the Baggies was undoubtedly in 1993, when they triumphed 3-2 after Bull had provocatively celebrated the opening goal in front of the Brummie Road End.

Kevin Donovan scored the winning goal as Albion beat Wolves for the first time in 11 years.

“They were a good, good side, favourites to go up and it was the first Black Country derby for a while,” he says.

“Wolves always had some good players — Bully, Geoff Thomas, Paul Cook in there kicking people.

“I’d just come down from Huddersfield maybe 12 months earlier and I’d never witnessed such ferocity between two sets of fans, which made it such an unbelievable atmosphere on the day.

“Back then we could mix with the fans. I had heard about it in the build-up, but until the game came around, it didn’t sink in how big it was. I could sense as soon as we went out for the warm-up there was something different about the atmosphere and after five or 10 minutes, it was pretty obvious how big a deal it was for the fans.


“It was a feisty game, goals galore, tackles flying in and tensions high on the pitch. There were chances for both teams to go and win it and I was just fortunate to get that last goal to win it and the Brummie Road End went bananas. For us, it was just a case of us surviving that season and that was a big win for us.”

Three years later was, remarkably, the most recent occasion Wolves won at The Hawthorns and a classic example of a player who is remembered fondly by supporters for absolutely nothing other than scoring against their local rivals.

Wolves vs West Brom is back - almost a decade later (2)

Iwan Roberts scored a famous hat-trick against West Brom (Photo: Aubrey Washington/EMPICS via Getty Images)

Iwan Roberts only stayed for one season at Molineux, scoring 12 goals before being sold to Norwich City. One-third of those goals came against the Albion, including a hat-trick in a 4-2 win at The Hawthorns (and another in a 2-0 return win at Molineux), meaning he has nothing but legendary status in the eyes of Wolves supporters.

“Looking back at my 20-year career, I played almost 750 games, but that Sunday afternoon at The Hawthorns was right up there,” Roberts says.

“I’d struggled, I’d signed for £1.2 million from Leicester, went seven without a goal. Luckily we had a certain legend up front, which took the pressure off.

“I got my first goal the Tuesday before (at Oxford) so I went into the game in reasonably high confidence. For some reason, I’d always scored at West Brom, I had a feeling I’d get on the scoresheet but not for the life of my did I think I’d get three.

“Froggy (Steve Froggatt) played a part in all three, I probably should have cut the match-ball in half and given half to him because without him I wouldn’t have got a sniff. I’ve kept the match ball but I didn’t get the West Brom players to sign it!

“We had a celebration that night, it was an early kick-off, a lovely hot, warm sunny day and we all ended up at the Pigot Arms for a few drinks. You’ve got to celebrate derby wins.”


The choke

In 2002, three years after Bull’s retirement and with Wolves embarking on a new era, came events which, from nowhere, shook up the Black Country order.

For much of the 2001-02 season things seemed to be following their natural course with Wolves, under Dave Jones, pushing for the Premier League in the top two of the First Division.

At The Hawthorns, Albion were exceeding expectations under Gary Megson, who had saved them from relegation to the third tier just two seasons earlier.

A better-than-expected campaign saw them emerge as real promotion contenders, but their hopes surely lay in the play-offs, where they had fallen short at the hands of Bolton in 2000-01.

At one stage in that season, Wolves led their neighbours by 11 points and the games between the sides were fairly unremarkable — a 1-1 draw at The Hawthorns in October and a 1-0 Albion win at Molineux in December. Wolves’ long wait for a return to the top flight for the first time since 1984, after several near-misses during the big-spending Sir Jack Hayward era of the 1990s, was surely coming to an end.

But it was a comment from Jones after that Molineux setback that was to help light a fire under Megson and his players. Albion went on a winning run and Wolves crumbled under the pressure.

Wolves vs West Brom is back - almost a decade later (3)

West Brom fans celebrate the late penalty from Balis at Bradford City (Photo: Clive Mason/Getty Images)

A legendary penalty from Igor Balis in stoppage time of the penultimate game of the season brought a victory at Bradford City that put Albion’s fate in their own hands on the final day.

They beat Crystal Palace and, despite Wolves’ seasons of striving, beat them to the Premier League following a now-legendary team-talk by Megson, watched by relatives who had been sneaked into the home dressing room.

“Thankfully, they didn’t suspect anything,” said Megson of the relatives’ surprise arrival in Chris Lepkowski’s book, From Buzaglo to Balis. “I wrote that Dave Jones quote on the board — ‘They’ve had their day, we’ll have ours’. And underneath I said, ‘Not f*cking today, they won’t’.”


The clubs have had highs and lows, promotions and relegations since then. But when it comes to derbies, few days have belonged to Wolves.

The season of derbies

After a four-season hiatus in which Albion and Wolves swapped divisions, the derby returned with a bang in 2006-07.

The clubs met five times, including two legendary meetings at Molineux in which Albion came out on top. Kevin Phillips was the scourge of Wolves as Tony Mowbray’s side won four of the five games, including two especially memorable occasions.

There was the 3-0 FA Cup win at Molineux in January in which Phillips found the net and then a 3-2 victory in the Championship play-offs against their bitter rivals with Phillips scoring twice before netting again at The Hawthorns to seal a 4-2 aggregate win.

Wolves’ only victory of the five came at Molineux thanks to Jay Bothroyd’s winner.

That was Michael Kightly’s first derby experience and, despite winning that day, it’s the first leg of the play-off semi-final that sticks out more in his mind due to the noise generated at Molineux. Games don’t come much bigger.

“The atmosphere was the best I’ve ever played in,” Kightly says.

“When I came up from Essex I didn’t know much about the derby, then after my first one (when Bothroyd won it), it was like: ‘Wow’.

“We were tipped to fight relegation that season but making the play-offs, then playing West Brom… what an occasion that play-off was for everyone. Absolutely electric.

“We had that underdog mentality and although Albion had a great side, we should have beaten them in the first play-off game, I had a couple of chances, Dean Kiely was man of the match, but losing knocked the stuffing out of us as we’d played probably as good as we could and still lost, then we ran out of steam in the second leg.

“If I’m honest, it hurts me to say, during my time at Wolves they had a better team than us and often came out on top. Kevin Phillips seemed to score every time.”


For Albion, the season ended in disappointment with defeat to Derby County at Wembley but memories from the Wolves games sustained supporters, especially the cup game in which home fans were relocated from their seats in the South Bank.

Albion fans delighted in leaving a calling card. “One thing that sticks out is Tesco carrier bags (a term used by Wolves fans to disparage Albion’s traditional stripes) on seats from the first one I played in,” recalls former Wolves winger Matt Jarvis.

Paul Robinson, the former Albion full-back, recalls: “I loved all the games that season but those two games at Molineux, the FA Cup one and the play-off semi-final, were just brilliant games to play in.

“We always knew how much it meant to the fans. In my time at Albion, the Villa game was just starting to come back to the fore but we knew it was the Wolves one that meant most to the fans at that stage and luckily we won more than we lost.

“We had some great players back then and when you’ve got people like Kev Phillips, who just love playing on big occasions… it’s great fun to be involved.”

The 5-1

It has been almost nine years since Albion and Wolves last met.

The result at Molineux in February 2012 played a huge part in sending the clubs on very different journeys.

Known affectionately by Albion fans as “WO1VE5”, the 5-1 victory for Roy Hodgson’s side Albion led to the sacking of Mick McCarthy and accelerated Wolves’ slump that continued into League One. For Albion, it helped them to a 10th-place finish under Hodgson, who landed the England manager’s job three months later.

Fortunes have reversed in recent years, with Wolves on the rise under the Fosun regime and Albion attempting against the odds to re-establish themselves after two years outside the Premier League.

But in Black Country derby terms, Peter Odemwingie’s hat-trick on that famous day is the most recent memory.


“One hundred per cent it was one of my best days in club football,” Odemwingie tells The Athletic.

“We were riding on that glory for a long time. It was a great day for the fans. A lot of fans say to me that they forget about the QPR thing just because of that day. Memories have healing power. I remember at the club, they printed 500 shirts called ‘derby day demolition’. They were sold on the same day. The DVDs were also well-received by fans!

“When you have a day you are down, you relive those moments, show the kids, and they can grow up with the memories too.”

If it was a perfect day for Albion, the opposite was true for Wolves. In their third season back in the Premier League, things were about to fall apart with the 5-1 humiliation the final straw for chairman Morgan, who sacked McCarthy the next day. Wolves weren’t in the bottom three at the time, but they failed to win a single one of the final 13 matches of the season and were relegated. The following year, they were relegated again.

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West Brom taunt their rivals when they slid down to League One (Photo: AMA/Corbis via Getty Images)

“It was a double whammy, losing to Albion and Mick getting sacked,” says Jarvis, the former Wolves winger.

“It was a horrendous time. They’re huge, huge games, when I first came to Wolves everyone talks about that being the one you have to win and that one was completely magnified. For the 5-1 defeat, I started left wing and ending up playing holding midfielder I think… everyone else disappeared! It was just horrible.

“We started the game with a 4-2-4 I think it was (strikers Kevin Doyle, Sylvan Ebanks-Blake and Steven Fletcher all started) and then when the goals went in, the shape, the team, it fell apart.

“I just remember looking around at all the space, there was just no one there! It wasn’t nice. It felt win or bust and Mick went for it. I remember protests from fans after the game, a demoralised changing room. We knew it was difficult for Mick but we still didn’t expect him to be sacked.”


And now, to 2021

After nine years of relegations and promotions and huge personnel changes, the battle is recommenced at an empty Molineux tomorrow.

Wolves are favourites while Albion, managed by a boyhood Wolves supporter in Sam Allardyce, will begin the game with as little pre-match optimism as many fans can recall.

So for Wolves, the pressure is on for long-awaited revenge.

Thompson adds: “I’d agree, the pressure is more on Wolves, it’s more of a free hit for Albion given their recent form and results. For Wolves, it’s about fine margins at both ends of the pitch. They’re not playing badly but they need the first goal.

“As a player I was fine, I looked forward to the games, it’s sort of in your hands, but as a supporter, it’s not and you’re thinking, ‘Oh no, what’s going to happen’.”

Odemwingie adds: “Every Baggies player can be superman on this day. It’s about sacrifice. Be all over the opponent every time. Even when they have a throw-in, annoy them. Do something different. Do not wait to see what happens, because if you do in a game like this, it’s too late.”

The most ferocious derby in English football? Come 12.30pm tomorrow, thousands of households across the Black Country won’t hear you say otherwise.

Nine years, three relegations, three promotions and 15 permanent managers later, gold and black versus blue and white, Wolverhampton Wanderers versus West Bromwich Albion. It’s back — let battle commence.

(Top photos: Getty Images; design: Sam Richardson)

Wolves vs West Brom is back - almost a decade later (2024)
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